Module hytraj.hygen
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os, glob, subprocess
from tqdm import tqdm
import shutil
from shutil import copyfile, copy2
import multiprocessing as mp
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, parallel_backend
class HyGen(object):
def __init__(
self.run_time = run_time
self.height = height
self.stations = list(locations.keys())
self.locations = locations
self.workpath = working
self.metdir = metdir
self.met_type = met_type
self.outdir = outdir
self.exe = exe
self.loc = self.get_coordinates(self.stations, self.height)
def run(self, dates, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0):
# start = '02-01-'+str(self.year)+' 05:00:00'
# end = '02-20-'+str(self.year)+' 05:00:00'
# self.dates = pd.date_range(start, freq='24H', end=end)
self.dates = dates
for date in tqdm(self.dates):
start_time = self.get_hydate(date)
outfile = (
+ self.met_type
+ "."
+ str(self.height)
+ "."
+ self.get_out_date(date)
if self.met_type == "ncep_old":
metfiles = self.get_old_ncep_metfiles(date)
if self.met_type == "ncep_new":
metfiles = self.get_new_ncep_metfiles(date)
if self.met_type == "gdas_1":
metfiles = self.get_gdas_metfiles(date)
metfiles = [self.metdir + filename for filename in metfiles]
start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=vertical, model_top=model_top
return self
def create_control_file(
self, start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0
with open(self.workpath + "CONTROL", "w") as raus:
raus.write(start_time + "\n") # 1
raus.write("{}\n".format(len(self.loc))) # 2
"\n".join(["{:0.2f} {:0.2f} {:0.1f}".format(*i) for i in self.loc])
+ "\n"
) # 3
raus.write("{:d}\n".format(self.run_time)) # 4
raus.write("{:d}\n".format(vertical)) # 5
raus.write("{:0.1f}\n".format(model_top)) # 6
raus.write("{:d}\n".format(len(metfiles))) # 7
for fn in metfiles:
folder, file = os.path.split(fn)
raus.write(folder + "/" + "\n") # 8
raus.write(file + "\n") # 9
folder, file = os.path.split(outfile)
raus.write(folder + "/" + "\n")
raus.write(file + "\n") # 11
def get_new_ncep_metfiles(date):
curr = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year, date.month)
if not date.month == 12:
next = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year, date.month + 1)
next = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year + 1, date.month - 11)
if not date.month == 1:
prev = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year, date.month - 1)
prev = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year - 1, date.month - 1 + 12)
return [curr, prev, next]
def get_old_ncep_metfiles(date):
mons = [
curr = "RP." + mons[date.month - 1] + str(date.year) + ".1.gbl1"
if not date.month == 1:
prev = "RP." + mons[date.month - 2] + str(date.year) + ".1.gbl1"
prev = "RP." + mons[-1] + str(date.year - 1) + ".1.gbl1"
if not date.month == 12:
next = "RP." + mons[date.month] + str(date.year) + ".1.gbl1"
next = "RP." + mons[0] + str(date.year + 1) + ".1.gbl1"
return [curr, prev, next]
def get_gdas_metfiles(self, date):
gdas_file = lambda date: "gdas1.%s%s.w%s" % (
np.round( / 7) + 1,
step = self.run_time
steps = np.arange(0, step // 24, np.sign(step))
fnames = set([gdas_file(date + pd.Timedelta(s, unit="d")) for s in steps])
return list(fnames)
def get_coordinates(self, stations, height):
locations = []
for station in stations:
lat, lon = self.locations[station]
locations.append([lat, lon, height])
return locations
def get_hydate(date):
year = str(date)[2:4]
month = str(date)[5:7]
day = str(date)[8:10]
hour = str(date)[11:13]
start = year + " " + month + " " + day + " " + hour
return start
def get_out_date(date):
tt = str(date).split(":")[:-2][0].split("-")
name = "".join(tt)
ts = name.split(" ")
name = "".join(ts)
return name
class HyControl(HyGen):
def __init__(
locations, height, run_time, working, metdir, outdir, met_type, exe
def run(
self.dates = dates
for date in self.dates:
start_time = self.get_hydate(date)
outfile = (
+ self.met_type
+ "."
+ str(self.height)
+ "."
+ self.get_out_date(date)
if self.met_type == "ncep_old":
metfiles = self.get_old_ncep_metfiles(date)
if self.met_type == "ncep_new":
metfiles = self.get_new_ncep_metfiles(date)
if self.met_type == "gdas_1":
metfiles = self.get_gdas_metfiles(date)
metfiles = [self.metdir + filename for filename in metfiles]
start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=vertical, model_top=model_top
copy2(self.workpath + "CONTROL", cdir + self.get_out_date(date))
return self
class HyParallel:
def __init__(
self.files = files
self.ncpu = ncpu
self.temp_folder = temp_folder
self.working = working
def run(self):
files = glob.glob(self.working + "/*")
files = [os.path.abspath(filename) for filename in files]
exe = [filename for filename in files if "hyts" in filename]
if len(exe) == 0:
print("HySPLIT Executable (hyts_std) is missing. Put executable in the working directory")
if not os.path.exists(self.temp_folder):
for i in np.arange(self.ncpu):
fold = self.temp_folder + "/cpu%s" % i
if not os.path.exists(fold):
[shutil.copy2(filename, fold) for filename in files]
delayed(self.run_parallel)(i) for i in np.arange(self.ncpu)
print("HySPLIT run over!!!!")
def run_parallel(self, i):
nfiles = np.array_split(self.files, self.ncpu)[i]
fold = self.temp_folder + "/cpu%s" % i
for filename in nfiles:
shutil.copy2(filename, fold + "/CONTROL")"./hyts_std")
class HyControl (locations, height, run_time, working, metdir, outdir, met_type='ncep', exe='./hyts_std')
Expand source code
class HyControl(HyGen): def __init__( self, locations, height, run_time, working, metdir, outdir, met_type="ncep", exe="./hyts_std", ): super().__init__( locations, height, run_time, working, metdir, outdir, met_type, exe ) def run( self, dates, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0, cdir="/home/geoschem/hysplit/trajectories/ncep/all/control/", ): self.dates = dates os.chdir(self.workpath) for date in self.dates: start_time = self.get_hydate(date) outfile = ( self.outdir + self.met_type + "." + str(self.height) + "." + self.get_out_date(date) ) if self.met_type == "ncep_old": metfiles = self.get_old_ncep_metfiles(date) if self.met_type == "ncep_new": metfiles = self.get_new_ncep_metfiles(date) if self.met_type == "gdas_1": metfiles = self.get_gdas_metfiles(date) metfiles = [self.metdir + filename for filename in metfiles] self.create_control_file( start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=vertical, model_top=model_top ) copy2(self.workpath + "CONTROL", cdir + self.get_out_date(date)) return self
def run(self, dates, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0, cdir='/home/geoschem/hysplit/trajectories/ncep/all/control/')
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def run( self, dates, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0, cdir="/home/geoschem/hysplit/trajectories/ncep/all/control/", ): self.dates = dates os.chdir(self.workpath) for date in self.dates: start_time = self.get_hydate(date) outfile = ( self.outdir + self.met_type + "." + str(self.height) + "." + self.get_out_date(date) ) if self.met_type == "ncep_old": metfiles = self.get_old_ncep_metfiles(date) if self.met_type == "ncep_new": metfiles = self.get_new_ncep_metfiles(date) if self.met_type == "gdas_1": metfiles = self.get_gdas_metfiles(date) metfiles = [self.metdir + filename for filename in metfiles] self.create_control_file( start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=vertical, model_top=model_top ) copy2(self.workpath + "CONTROL", cdir + self.get_out_date(date)) return self
class HyGen (locations, height, run_time, working, metdir, outdir, met_type='ncep', exe='./hyts_std')
Expand source code
class HyGen(object): def __init__( self, locations, height, run_time, working, metdir, outdir, met_type="ncep", exe="./hyts_std", ): self.run_time = run_time self.height = height self.stations = list(locations.keys()) self.locations = locations self.workpath = working self.metdir = metdir self.met_type = met_type self.outdir = outdir self.exe = exe self.loc = self.get_coordinates(self.stations, self.height) def run(self, dates, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0): # start = '02-01-'+str(self.year)+' 05:00:00' # end = '02-20-'+str(self.year)+' 05:00:00' # self.dates = pd.date_range(start, freq='24H', end=end) self.dates = dates os.chdir(self.workpath) for date in tqdm(self.dates): start_time = self.get_hydate(date) outfile = ( self.outdir + self.met_type + "." + str(self.height) + "." + self.get_out_date(date) ) if self.met_type == "ncep_old": metfiles = self.get_old_ncep_metfiles(date) if self.met_type == "ncep_new": metfiles = self.get_new_ncep_metfiles(date) if self.met_type == "gdas_1": metfiles = self.get_gdas_metfiles(date) metfiles = [self.metdir + filename for filename in metfiles] self.create_control_file( start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=vertical, model_top=model_top ) return self def create_control_file( self, start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0 ): with open(self.workpath + "CONTROL", "w") as raus: raus.write(start_time + "\n") # 1 raus.write("{}\n".format(len(self.loc))) # 2 raus.write( "\n".join(["{:0.2f} {:0.2f} {:0.1f}".format(*i) for i in self.loc]) + "\n" ) # 3 raus.write("{:d}\n".format(self.run_time)) # 4 raus.write("{:d}\n".format(vertical)) # 5 raus.write("{:0.1f}\n".format(model_top)) # 6 raus.write("{:d}\n".format(len(metfiles))) # 7 for fn in metfiles: folder, file = os.path.split(fn) raus.write(folder + "/" + "\n") # 8 raus.write(file + "\n") # 9 folder, file = os.path.split(outfile) raus.write(folder + "/" + "\n") raus.write(file + "\n") # 11 @staticmethod def get_new_ncep_metfiles(date): curr = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year, date.month) if not date.month == 12: next = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year, date.month + 1) else: next = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year + 1, date.month - 11) if not date.month == 1: prev = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year, date.month - 1) else: prev = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year - 1, date.month - 1 + 12) return [curr, prev, next] @staticmethod def get_old_ncep_metfiles(date): mons = [ "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec", ] curr = "RP." + mons[date.month - 1] + str(date.year) + ".1.gbl1" if not date.month == 1: prev = "RP." + mons[date.month - 2] + str(date.year) + ".1.gbl1" else: prev = "RP." + mons[-1] + str(date.year - 1) + ".1.gbl1" if not date.month == 12: next = "RP." + mons[date.month] + str(date.year) + ".1.gbl1" else: next = "RP." + mons[0] + str(date.year + 1) + ".1.gbl1" return [curr, prev, next] def get_gdas_metfiles(self, date): gdas_file = lambda date: "gdas1.%s%s.w%s" % ( date.month_name().lower()[:3], str(date.year)[-2:], np.round( / 7) + 1, ) step = self.run_time steps = np.arange(0, step // 24, np.sign(step)) fnames = set([gdas_file(date + pd.Timedelta(s, unit="d")) for s in steps]) return list(fnames) def get_coordinates(self, stations, height): locations = [] for station in stations: lat, lon = self.locations[station] locations.append([lat, lon, height]) return locations @staticmethod def get_hydate(date): year = str(date)[2:4] month = str(date)[5:7] day = str(date)[8:10] hour = str(date)[11:13] start = year + " " + month + " " + day + " " + hour return start @staticmethod def get_out_date(date): tt = str(date).split(":")[:-2][0].split("-") name = "".join(tt) ts = name.split(" ") name = "".join(ts) return name
Static methods
def get_hydate(date)
Expand source code
@staticmethod def get_hydate(date): year = str(date)[2:4] month = str(date)[5:7] day = str(date)[8:10] hour = str(date)[11:13] start = year + " " + month + " " + day + " " + hour return start
def get_new_ncep_metfiles(date)
Expand source code
@staticmethod def get_new_ncep_metfiles(date): curr = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year, date.month) if not date.month == 12: next = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year, date.month + 1) else: next = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year + 1, date.month - 11) if not date.month == 1: prev = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year, date.month - 1) else: prev = "RP%s%02d.gbl" % (date.year - 1, date.month - 1 + 12) return [curr, prev, next]
def get_old_ncep_metfiles(date)
Expand source code
@staticmethod def get_old_ncep_metfiles(date): mons = [ "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec", ] curr = "RP." + mons[date.month - 1] + str(date.year) + ".1.gbl1" if not date.month == 1: prev = "RP." + mons[date.month - 2] + str(date.year) + ".1.gbl1" else: prev = "RP." + mons[-1] + str(date.year - 1) + ".1.gbl1" if not date.month == 12: next = "RP." + mons[date.month] + str(date.year) + ".1.gbl1" else: next = "RP." + mons[0] + str(date.year + 1) + ".1.gbl1" return [curr, prev, next]
def get_out_date(date)
Expand source code
@staticmethod def get_out_date(date): tt = str(date).split(":")[:-2][0].split("-") name = "".join(tt) ts = name.split(" ") name = "".join(ts) return name
def create_control_file(self, start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0)
Expand source code
def create_control_file( self, start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0 ): with open(self.workpath + "CONTROL", "w") as raus: raus.write(start_time + "\n") # 1 raus.write("{}\n".format(len(self.loc))) # 2 raus.write( "\n".join(["{:0.2f} {:0.2f} {:0.1f}".format(*i) for i in self.loc]) + "\n" ) # 3 raus.write("{:d}\n".format(self.run_time)) # 4 raus.write("{:d}\n".format(vertical)) # 5 raus.write("{:0.1f}\n".format(model_top)) # 6 raus.write("{:d}\n".format(len(metfiles))) # 7 for fn in metfiles: folder, file = os.path.split(fn) raus.write(folder + "/" + "\n") # 8 raus.write(file + "\n") # 9 folder, file = os.path.split(outfile) raus.write(folder + "/" + "\n") raus.write(file + "\n") # 11
def get_coordinates(self, stations, height)
Expand source code
def get_coordinates(self, stations, height): locations = [] for station in stations: lat, lon = self.locations[station] locations.append([lat, lon, height]) return locations
def get_gdas_metfiles(self, date)
Expand source code
def get_gdas_metfiles(self, date): gdas_file = lambda date: "gdas1.%s%s.w%s" % ( date.month_name().lower()[:3], str(date.year)[-2:], np.round( / 7) + 1, ) step = self.run_time steps = np.arange(0, step // 24, np.sign(step)) fnames = set([gdas_file(date + pd.Timedelta(s, unit="d")) for s in steps]) return list(fnames)
def run(self, dates, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0)
Expand source code
def run(self, dates, vertical=0, model_top=10000.0): # start = '02-01-'+str(self.year)+' 05:00:00' # end = '02-20-'+str(self.year)+' 05:00:00' # self.dates = pd.date_range(start, freq='24H', end=end) self.dates = dates os.chdir(self.workpath) for date in tqdm(self.dates): start_time = self.get_hydate(date) outfile = ( self.outdir + self.met_type + "." + str(self.height) + "." + self.get_out_date(date) ) if self.met_type == "ncep_old": metfiles = self.get_old_ncep_metfiles(date) if self.met_type == "ncep_new": metfiles = self.get_new_ncep_metfiles(date) if self.met_type == "gdas_1": metfiles = self.get_gdas_metfiles(date) metfiles = [self.metdir + filename for filename in metfiles] self.create_control_file( start_time, metfiles, outfile, vertical=vertical, model_top=model_top ) return self
class HyParallel (files, ncpu=4, temp_folder='/home/pankaj/phd/code/hytraj/test', working='/home/pankaj/phd/code/hytraj/working')
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class HyParallel: def __init__( self, files, ncpu=4, temp_folder="/home/pankaj/phd/code/hytraj/test", working="/home/pankaj/phd/code/hytraj/working", ): self.files = files self.ncpu = ncpu self.temp_folder = temp_folder self.working = working def run(self): files = glob.glob(self.working + "/*") files = [os.path.abspath(filename) for filename in files] exe = [filename for filename in files if "hyts" in filename] if len(exe) == 0: print("HySPLIT Executable (hyts_std) is missing. Put executable in the working directory") if not os.path.exists(self.temp_folder): os.mkdir(os.path.abspath(self.temp_folder)) for i in np.arange(self.ncpu): fold = self.temp_folder + "/cpu%s" % i if not os.path.exists(fold): os.mkdir(os.path.abspath(fold)) [shutil.copy2(filename, fold) for filename in files] try: Parallel(n_jobs=self.ncpu)( delayed(self.run_parallel)(i) for i in np.arange(self.ncpu) ) shutil.rmtree(self.temp_folder) except: shutil.rmtree(self.temp_folder) pass print("HySPLIT run over!!!!") def run_parallel(self, i): nfiles = np.array_split(self.files, self.ncpu)[i] fold = self.temp_folder + "/cpu%s" % i os.chdir(fold) for filename in nfiles: shutil.copy2(filename, fold + "/CONTROL")"./hyts_std")
def run(self)
Expand source code
def run(self): files = glob.glob(self.working + "/*") files = [os.path.abspath(filename) for filename in files] exe = [filename for filename in files if "hyts" in filename] if len(exe) == 0: print("HySPLIT Executable (hyts_std) is missing. Put executable in the working directory") if not os.path.exists(self.temp_folder): os.mkdir(os.path.abspath(self.temp_folder)) for i in np.arange(self.ncpu): fold = self.temp_folder + "/cpu%s" % i if not os.path.exists(fold): os.mkdir(os.path.abspath(fold)) [shutil.copy2(filename, fold) for filename in files] try: Parallel(n_jobs=self.ncpu)( delayed(self.run_parallel)(i) for i in np.arange(self.ncpu) ) shutil.rmtree(self.temp_folder) except: shutil.rmtree(self.temp_folder) pass print("HySPLIT run over!!!!")
def run_parallel(self, i)
Expand source code
def run_parallel(self, i): nfiles = np.array_split(self.files, self.ncpu)[i] fold = self.temp_folder + "/cpu%s" % i os.chdir(fold) for filename in nfiles: shutil.copy2(filename, fold + "/CONTROL")"./hyts_std")