Module hytraj.hycluster
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import pandas as pd, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob, pywt, pyclustering
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score
from pyclustering.cluster.elbow import elbow
import xarray as xr
class HyCluster:
def __init__(self, data, projection=Basemap(projection="spstere", lon_0=180, boundinglat=-30), scale=False): = data
self.projection = projection
self.scale = scale
self.feat = HyWave(data, projection=projection).fit(scale=scale)
def fit(self, kmax=50, method="KMeans", pyclus=True, scale=False):
labels = Trajclustering(self.feat).fit(kmax=kmax, pyclus=pyclus)
self.labels = pd.DataFrame(labels).T
return self.labels
def get_kmeans_cluster(self, n_clusters=4):
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=0).fit(self.feat)
labels = pd.Series(kmeans.labels_, index=self.feat.index)
self.labels = pd.DataFrame(labels).T
return self.labels
class HyWave:
def __init__(
self, data, projection=Basemap(projection="spstere", lon_0=180, boundinglat=-30)
): = data
self.m = projection
self.time = data.time.to_pandas()
def fit(self, scale=True):
ln, lt = self.m("lon").values,"lat").values
ff = pd.concat([self._wavelet_features(lt), self._wavelet_features(ln)])
ff.index = [
if scale:
ff = (ff - ff.min()) / (ff.max() - ff.min())
return ff.T
def _wavelet_features(self, data):
wv = pywt.dwt(data.T, "haar")[0]
wv = pd.DataFrame(wv, self.time).T.describe().iloc[3:]
return wv
class Trajclustering:
def __init__(self, data):
self.traj = data
def fit(self, kmax=50, pyclus=False):
n, wce, labels = self.get_kmeans_cluster(kmax, plot=False, pyclus=pyclus)
return labels
def _elbow_method(self, kmax=50):
wce = []
nums = np.arange(1, kmax)
for num in nums:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=num, random_state=0).fit(self.traj)
x0, y0 = 0.0, wce[0]
x1, y1 = float(len(wce)), wce[-1]
elbows = []
for index_elbow in range(1, len(wce) - 1):
x, y = float(index_elbow), wce[index_elbow]
segment = abs((y0 - y1) * x + (x1 - x0) * y + (x0 * y1 - x1 * y0))
norm = np.sqrt((x1 - x0) ** 2 + (y1 - y0) ** 2)
distance = segment / norm
n = nums[np.argmax(elbows) + 1]
return n, wce
def _optimal_cluster(self, kmax=50):
elbow_instance = elbow(self.traj.values, 1, kmax)
amount_clusters = elbow_instance.get_amount()
wce = elbow_instance.get_wce()
return amount_clusters, wce
def get_kmeans_cluster(self, kmax=50, plot=True, pyclus=False):
if pyclus:
n, wce = self._optimal_cluster(kmax=kmax)
n, wce = self._elbow_method(kmax=kmax)
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n, random_state=0).fit(self.traj)
labels = pd.Series(kmeans.labels_, index=self.traj.index)
self.optim_k = n
self.wce = wce
if plot:
self._plot_elbow_score(n, wce)
return n, wce, labels
def _plot_elbow_score(self, n, wce):
nums = np.arange(1, len(wce) + 1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 5))
ax.plot(nums, wce, color="m")
ax.scatter(n, wce[n - 1], color="red", marker=".", s=200)
ax.axvline(n, ls="-.", color="k")
ax.set_xlabel("Number of clusters")
ax.set_ylabel("Within cluster Error")
ax.set_title("Optimal number of clusters = %s" % n)
class HyCluster (data, projection=<mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap object>, scale=False)
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class HyCluster: def __init__(self, data, projection=Basemap(projection="spstere", lon_0=180, boundinglat=-30), scale=False): = data self.projection = projection self.scale = scale self.feat = HyWave(data, projection=projection).fit(scale=scale) def fit(self, kmax=50, method="KMeans", pyclus=True, scale=False): labels = Trajclustering(self.feat).fit(kmax=kmax, pyclus=pyclus) self.labels = pd.DataFrame(labels).T return self.labels def get_kmeans_cluster(self, n_clusters=4): kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=0).fit(self.feat) labels = pd.Series(kmeans.labels_, index=self.feat.index) self.labels = pd.DataFrame(labels).T return self.labels
def fit(self, kmax=50, method='KMeans', pyclus=True, scale=False)
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def fit(self, kmax=50, method="KMeans", pyclus=True, scale=False): labels = Trajclustering(self.feat).fit(kmax=kmax, pyclus=pyclus) self.labels = pd.DataFrame(labels).T return self.labels
def get_kmeans_cluster(self, n_clusters=4)
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def get_kmeans_cluster(self, n_clusters=4): kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=0).fit(self.feat) labels = pd.Series(kmeans.labels_, index=self.feat.index) self.labels = pd.DataFrame(labels).T return self.labels
class HyWave (data, projection=<mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap object>)
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class HyWave: def __init__( self, data, projection=Basemap(projection="spstere", lon_0=180, boundinglat=-30) ): = data self.m = projection self.time = data.time.to_pandas() def fit(self, scale=True): ln, lt = self.m("lon").values,"lat").values ) ff = pd.concat([self._wavelet_features(lt), self._wavelet_features(ln)]) ff.index = [ "latmin", "lat25", "lat50", "lat75", "latmax", "lonmin", "lon25", "lon50", "lon75", "lonmax", ] if scale: ff = (ff - ff.min()) / (ff.max() - ff.min()) return ff.T def _wavelet_features(self, data): wv = pywt.dwt(data.T, "haar")[0] wv = pd.DataFrame(wv, self.time).T.describe().iloc[3:] return wv
def fit(self, scale=True)
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def fit(self, scale=True): ln, lt = self.m("lon").values,"lat").values ) ff = pd.concat([self._wavelet_features(lt), self._wavelet_features(ln)]) ff.index = [ "latmin", "lat25", "lat50", "lat75", "latmax", "lonmin", "lon25", "lon50", "lon75", "lonmax", ] if scale: ff = (ff - ff.min()) / (ff.max() - ff.min()) return ff.T
class Trajclustering (data)
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class Trajclustering: def __init__(self, data): self.traj = data def fit(self, kmax=50, pyclus=False): n, wce, labels = self.get_kmeans_cluster(kmax, plot=False, pyclus=pyclus) return labels def _elbow_method(self, kmax=50): wce = [] nums = np.arange(1, kmax) for num in nums: kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=num, random_state=0).fit(self.traj) wce.append(kmeans.inertia_) x0, y0 = 0.0, wce[0] x1, y1 = float(len(wce)), wce[-1] elbows = [] for index_elbow in range(1, len(wce) - 1): x, y = float(index_elbow), wce[index_elbow] segment = abs((y0 - y1) * x + (x1 - x0) * y + (x0 * y1 - x1 * y0)) norm = np.sqrt((x1 - x0) ** 2 + (y1 - y0) ** 2) distance = segment / norm elbows.append(distance) n = nums[np.argmax(elbows) + 1] return n, wce def _optimal_cluster(self, kmax=50): elbow_instance = elbow(self.traj.values, 1, kmax) elbow_instance.process() amount_clusters = elbow_instance.get_amount() wce = elbow_instance.get_wce() return amount_clusters, wce def get_kmeans_cluster(self, kmax=50, plot=True, pyclus=False): if pyclus: n, wce = self._optimal_cluster(kmax=kmax) else: n, wce = self._elbow_method(kmax=kmax) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n, random_state=0).fit(self.traj) labels = pd.Series(kmeans.labels_, index=self.traj.index) self.optim_k = n self.wce = wce if plot: self._plot_elbow_score(n, wce) return n, wce, labels def _plot_elbow_score(self, n, wce): nums = np.arange(1, len(wce) + 1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 5)) ax.plot(nums, wce, color="m") ax.scatter(n, wce[n - 1], color="red", marker=".", s=200) ax.axvline(n, ls="-.", color="k") ax.minorticks_on() ax.set_xlabel("Number of clusters") ax.set_ylabel("Within cluster Error") ax.set_title("Optimal number of clusters = %s" % n)
def fit(self, kmax=50, pyclus=False)
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def fit(self, kmax=50, pyclus=False): n, wce, labels = self.get_kmeans_cluster(kmax, plot=False, pyclus=pyclus) return labels
def get_kmeans_cluster(self, kmax=50, plot=True, pyclus=False)
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def get_kmeans_cluster(self, kmax=50, plot=True, pyclus=False): if pyclus: n, wce = self._optimal_cluster(kmax=kmax) else: n, wce = self._elbow_method(kmax=kmax) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n, random_state=0).fit(self.traj) labels = pd.Series(kmeans.labels_, index=self.traj.index) self.optim_k = n self.wce = wce if plot: self._plot_elbow_score(n, wce) return n, wce, labels